Congratulations esports team!

Congratulations esports team!

Jackson College is the NJCAAE Fortnite Premier Series National Champions!!!!!  Nolan Hughey and Tyler Beyer came out on top of 3-2 against Missouri State University-West Plains.  

It was a very close match Jackson taking game one but due to early deaths loosing games two and three.  Everything was on the line in game four but Jackson prevailed getting a close victory in game four.  It all came down to game five winner takes all.  Both teams dropped in the same area and Tyler got downed early but he took most of a squad with him and Nolan came to the rescue finishing off the squad and then rezing Tyler.  Jackson then left the area and preceded to dodge bullets all over the map killing a few more opponents before MSUWP's players died giving Jackson a 11-1 victory in game five!!

They will get a NJCAAE trophy for the win!